A small collection of free, unsupported Windows utilities. Provided as-is.

PrintFolder 1.3
Handy utility to print or save a list of files located in any folder. Right-click any folder in Windows Explorer and select "PrintFolder" in the popup menu. File size: 547 KB.

SetFileDate 2.0
Utility to alter the time and date of one or more selected files or folders. SetFileDate is small, easy to use, and completely free. File size: 551 KB.

TexRep 2.0
Replace text in multiple files in a single operation. Make backup copies of your original files, select case sensitive or insensitive searches, or choose between replacing whole or partial text strings. File size: 694 KB

ScreenGrab 1.1
ScreenGrab is a simple, yet effective screen capture utility for Windows. When running, ScreenGrab responds to preset hotkey combinations, making it easy to make screen captures without having to click on buttons or use the mouse. File size: 609 KB.

DeskSweeper 2.0
Hide all desktop icons (including Recycle Bin, My Computer, Network Neighbourhood, etc.) DeskSweeper is always visible in the Windows system tray for easy access. A single mouseclick is all you need to hide or view your desktop icons. File size: 139 KB

RGBtoHEX 1.1a
Useful HTML color picker, suitable for web developers. With RGBtoHEX, you can find the correct #rrggbb value for any color. You can also enter a hex color code to view its RGB value. 216-color safe web palette included. Probably the only HTML color picker you'll ever need. File size: 418 KB.